Castlewood Treatment Center attempts to Hide D.I.D. and Hypnosis Treatment
Castlewood Treatment Center claims that they do not use hypnosis anymore, so they rebrand it as "guided imagery therapy" instead. The new C

Castlewood Treatment Center Reviews Sceenshots
In an attempt to censor negative reviews from its Facebook page, Castlewood removed all reviews both good an bad, but not before I got a...

How Mark Schwartz & Lori Galperin took the sex research of Masters & Johnson and turned it i
Article about William Masters & Virgina Johnson grooming Mark Schwartz & Lori Gal[perin to continue their research, but instead the

Castlewood Treatment Center Under Pressure From Former Clients
Irene Lerz - Facebook Post December 2, 2016 After a few quiet years, a fair amount of people are speaking out against Castlewood again....

A Buoy Placed By a Devastated Father
"Victus quoque rationem ad aegrotantium salutem pro facultate, judicioque meo adhibebo, noxamvero et maleficium propulsabo". I will,...

The Most Dangerous Idea in Mental Health - CVU Co-Founder's Castlewood Nightmare
Tom and his ex-wife sent their daughter to an eating-disorder clinic called the Castlewood Treatment Center, outside St. Louis. In her five